Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Making a wand

I will show a couple of the wands I made for my boyfriend and for myself. They are pretty basic they came from trees that lost a good limb that fell from a tree in a windy storm the one with the black is my boyfriends and his was made from a rowan or ash tree behind the apartment. I just size it to where its the length of my inside elbow to my wrist and the thickness of my thumb. I painted it with colors I wanted to work with and runes. I carved carefully a hole on the ends to put crystals. The darker one has just a small crystal from a jewelry kit put in place with wax. It seems to work well for us.

Now the pentacle I have under it I made with buying just a clay pot bottom and then painted a pentacle and other wanted decorations for the different solstices. I got the idea of the pentacle from the book "Witch A Magickal Journey" by Fiona Horne. There is also a shaman staff that I am finishing up made of a willow branch from a fallen willow tree. I will take a picture and put it up later when finished. You can also add a dedication spell of your making to help make it work with your energies. I know it is easier to just buy one but by making it you can be more in tune with the energies, of course it does not hurt if a friend makes it also you can still dedicate it to work with you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Enviroment Protection Magic

I apologize for not updating this too much because we have had some events and I was busy with some finals for my college. My son now in cub scouts makes me busy too. I have to say I was appalled when I found out that whaling was still going on, in most areas there is no need for whaling anymore used for their oil for various things and the bones for skirts. Japan is "research whaling" in a Whale sanctuary in the Australian waters. I say that the mother earth is not too happy along with the killing of mass of sharks for their fins for soup. The gentle Whale Shark is one of these victims. So I came up with an idea why not do a cross stitch or some sort of art project like a quilt with a magic to help with the fights the Australia and the other areas are trying to fight these evil deeds. I am not good at making paterns so how bout all of you out there come up with a pattern idea and a picture of the finished project I will pick the best one and put it up on the blog then I will come up with a spell with it to send that energy to help with this fight for the enviroment. I am having a little problem with the current email send me photos and such to my other email. crystalwolf78@yahoo.com