Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Florida Water part 2

Ok here we go I found a water based Florida Water I got the recipe from the new Hedgewitch book by Silver Ravenwolf. This uses raw herbs preferred fresh and the water does need to be boiled also it is warned that before you place the liquid in the Mason Jar you should get the Jar is warm or the sudden heat will crack the glass.

a Mason Pickling Jar
2 slices of each an orange, lemon, and a lime
some fresh mint, lemon balm, and hyssop from the garden
a sprig of rosemary and a sprig from basil

Pack the Mason Jar with the Herbs as much as you like. Boil the water (enough for the Jar) place the water in the Mason Jar, Allow the mixture to cool completely and strain. Pour the strained liquid in a sterilized jar or bottle, keep in refrigerator. Is potent for 3 days.

This mix does not last long, but if there is need of it for a spell you can make this the day before and use it and dispose of it outside in the garden and give blessing to the garden from the potent mix.

Ravenwolf, Silver. Hedgewitch, spells, crafts, & rituals for natural magick. 2008. Llewellyn Publications. Wooodbury, MN.

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